Flying Saucer Study to Get $183,155 More for Project

The New York Times, Wednesday, January 17, 1968
L'article d'origine du New York Times
L'article d'origine du New York Times

BOULDER, Color., Jan. 16 (AP) ? The Air Force has accepted to provide $183,155 to extend for nine month a study of unidentified flying objects by a team a the University of Colorado, the project coordinator, Robert J. Low, reported today.

The additional money, briging the total spent on the projet to $496,155, will extend the project through Sept. 30, Mr. Low said.

Operational phases of the investigation should be finished by June 30, he said, and after a skeleton staff will remain to compile the report, which will be submitted to the National Academy of Sciences for review on Sept. 30.

Mr. Low said that project workers had already begun preparing parts of the report, which should be made public next Jan, 1.