Une majorité croit déjà aux extraterrestres

Le Sondage Roper, preparé pour la chaîne SCI FI, septembre 2002

Pour de nombreux Américains, les ovnis sont réels et ont visité la Terre sous une forme ou une autre

% Who Believe that UFOs are Real and Have Visited Earth % Who Believe Government Does Not Tell Everything It Knows About UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life% Who Believe Government Does Not Tell Everything It Knows About UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life

Plus de la moité (56 %) du public américain pense que les ovnis sont quelque chose de réel et pas seulement dans l'imagination des gens. Presque autant (48 %) pensent que des ovnis ont visité la Terre sous une forme ou une autre.

Les hommes sont significativement plus susceptibles de croire à la réalité des ovnis, comme le sont les moins de 65 ans. Une chute significative est observée dans le pourcentage des croyants dans le groupe d'âge des 65 ans et plus.

En terme de profil psychologique, une majorité d'adultes revendiquant les croyances et opinions dégagées ci-dessous tombent aussi dans la catégorie des croyaux aux ovnis.

Parmi les adultes qui... % pensant que les ovnis sont réels % pensant que des ovnis ont visité la Terre
Believe government does not share enough information with the public 60% 54%
Believe government does not tell us everything about extraterrestrial life and UFOs 70% 62%
Are very/somewhat psychologically prepared for the discovery of extraterrestrial life 63% 55%
Believe in intelligent life 73% 65%
Are very/somewhat interested in an ET encounter 72% 65%
Believe in abductions 93% 90%
Have experienced (or know someone who experienced) a Close Encounter 82% 76%

Humans Are Not the Only Form of Intelligent Life in the Universe

% Who Think There Are Other Forms of Intelligent Life in the Universe % Who Believe Government Does Not Tell Everything It Knows About UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life% Who Believe Government Does Not Tell Everything It Knows About UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life% Who Believe Government Does Not Tell Everything It Knows About UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life

Two-thirds (67 percent) of adults think there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe. This belief tends to be more prevalent among males, adults ages 64 or younger, and residents of the Northeast as opposed to North Central and South.

Moreover, nearly half (45 percent) of adults believe intelligent life from other worlds has monitored life on earth. This belief is again held by a significantly higher percentage of males (50 percent vs. 40 percent of females) and of adults ages 64 or younger (49 percent vs. 28 percent of those over 65 years old). The belief is especially strong among 18-to-24-year-olds (59 percent).

The same patterns are evident when analyzing the belief that humans have already interacted with intelligent life from other worlds. While over one-third (37 percent) of all adults can be considered believers of this phenomenon, the percentage drops significantly among the 65+ age group (16 percent vs. 42 percent of 18-to-64-year-olds). Females are also less inclined to count themselves among the believers (33 percent vs. 40 percent of males).


One in five Americans in general (21 percent) and more than half (57 percent) of those who say that humans have already interacted with extraterrestrial life believe that humans have ever been taken or abducted by other intelligent lifeforms.

% Who Believe in Abductions % Who Believe Government Does Not Tell Everything It Knows About UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life% Who Believe Government Does Not Tell Everything It Knows About UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life

Once again, differences of opinion exist between the genders and age groups.

A belief in extraterrestrial life and abductions by such lifeforms is more prevalent among those who feel the government is hiding relevant information; who are very psychologically prepared for a discovery and themselves very interested in an extraterrestrial encounter; and who already have personal experience with a Close Encounter.

Among adults who... % Think There Are Other Forms of Intelligent Life % Believe in Abductions
Believe government does not tell us everything about extraterrestrial life and UFOs 76% 28%
Are very/somewhat psychologically prepared for the discovery of extraterrestrial life 79% 32%
Are very/somewhat interested in an ET encounter 84% 40%
Have experienced (or know someone who experienced) a Close Encounter 83% 47%